Changing the edit window's view:

     When you're editing an object/scene you'll need to change between views a lot. 
     EG, you dont want to try and edit the top of an object from the side view,(well
     you can, but be prepared to start pulling your hair out). Cinema4D has 6 view
     'modes' that you can flick between by clicking on its icon in the toolbar:

     Notes :

     4t view: this splits the window into four, and displays the top, side, front
              and 3-d views in the one window.

     3D view: This view is for editing objects from any angle

     P View : The perspective view is for Editing , but remember that whatever view
              you have in P is what is rendered. You should really leave this view
              alone until you are ready to render, and leave the editing to the 3d view.
